Guest Post Submission Guidelines

Thank you for considering contributing a Guest Post to our blog. We appreciate your interest. However, please note that we are not currently entertaining offers for backlink exchanges. If you wish to submit a Guest Post, kindly adhere to the following criteria:

1. Content Originality: Your submission must be unique and original.
2. Image Requirements: All accompanying photos must be unique and provided in WEBP format, with each image file size not exceeding 20KB.
3. Content Restrictions: We do not accept posts related to hacking, cracking, casinos, or gambling. If you wish to share content of this nature, please contact us directly via email.

Benefits of Guest Posting:

By submitting a Guest Post, you will receive the following benefits:

1. Quick Indexing: Your article will be indexed within 10 minutes of publication.
2. Link Inclusion: You are allowed to include one do-follow link within your article.
3. Homepage Visibility: Your article will be featured on the homepage for a duration of 2 days. (Additional charges apply if you wish to pin the article to the homepage.)
4. No Marking: Your article will not be labeled as sponsored, paid, or a guest post.
5. Permanent Placement: Once published, your article will remain on our website indefinitely.
6. Social Media Sharing: While not guaranteed, we will endeavor to share your article on our social media channels.

For pricing inquiries and to proceed with submitting a Guest Post, please contact us via email at:

Email: or

We look forward to hearing from you and potentially featuring your content on our blog.

Guest Post Guidelines for Business Talker

Join Our Content Writing Team and Share Your Expertise

Are you passionate about freelance writing and eager to contribute insightful content to a growing audience? Look no further! Business Talker welcomes guest post submissions from writers like you who can provide valuable insights into the world of business and craft of freelance writing.

Submission Criteria

We uphold a high standard for guest post contributions:

  • Originality: Ensure your articles are free from plagiarism and any copyright violations.
  • Length and Structure: Each submission should be at least 1000 words long, well-structured with proper headers, and devoid of grammatical errors.
  • Engaging Title: Craft a title that captures attention and contains fewer than 60 characters.
  • Quality Visuals: Include a unique featured image in HD quality with dimensions of 1000px (width) and 600px (height).

What We Don't Accept

To maintain relevance and integrity, we have certain restrictions:

  • Off-Topic Content: We only accept submissions that are relevant to our website's focus.
  • Copyrighted Material: Ensure your content is original and not copied from elsewhere.
  • Duplicate Submissions: Avoid submitting content that has been previously published elsewhere.

Benefits of Guest Posting

Submitting a guest post offers several advantages:

  • Storytelling Platform: Share your narratives and creative ideas with our audience.
  • Expanded Reach: Your content will reach a broader audience through our platform.
  • Backlink Opportunities: Include a link to your blog or website, enhancing your online presence.
  • Social Media Enhancement: Strengthen your social media profile by contributing valuable content.

Contact Us

If you're interested in submitting a guest post or have any queries, reach out to us today! We value your input and are happy to address any questions you may have.

Advanced Google Queries to Discover Similar Sites

For those seeking additional guest posting opportunities, here are some advanced Google queries tailored to various niches:

Looking to expand your guest posting outreach? Explore these advanced Google queries to discover websites accepting guest posts in various niches:

  • Technology Write for us Guest Post
  • Business Write for us
  • Mobile Technology + “Write for us”
  • Fashion Write for us Guest Post
  • Health Write for us
  • Technology Business Write for us
  • Finance Blog: write for us
  • Health Insurance Write for us
  • Health Blogs Write for Us
  • Entertainment Write us
  • Accounting Write for us
  • Tax write for us
  • Submit Guest Post International Tax
  • Write for us Fashion Blog
  • Write to us News
  • Tech News Write for us
  • News Write for us
  • Tech and Fashion sites “write for us”
  • Sports Write for us
  • Mobile App Write for us
  • Mobile App Development Write for us
  • Write for us + Technology
  • “Technology Business” + Write for us
  • Fashion + write for us
  • write for us Personal Finance
  • Personal Finance Blog Write for us
  • Personal Finance Write for us
  • Finance Write for us
  • Technology + Write for us
  • Fashion Lifestyle ”write for us”
  • Fashion and Health write for us
  • Technology + write for us + Guest Post
  • Finance “write-for-us”
  • Technology and Fashion site write for us
  • Fashion and Health “write for us”
  • Tech “write for us”
  • Technology “submit blog post”
  • Technology “write for us” Guest Post
  • Healthy Lifestyle Write for us
  • Health+ Write for us
  • Write for us Men’s Fashion
  • Technology Business “Write for us”
  • Blogging Write for us
  • Write for us Blog
  • Write for us Tech
  • Guest Post write for us “Technology”
  • Business “Write For Us”
  • Branding write for us
  • Digital Marketing Write for us Guest Post
  • Marketing Blogs Write for us
  • Online Marketing write for us
  • Social Media Marketing write for us
  • Social Media write for us
  • Marketing Submit a Guest Post
  • SEO write for us
  • Mutual Fund “write for us”
  • Business Technology write for us
  • Fashion + “write for us”
  • Online Education “write for us”
  • Fashion and Style “write for us”
  • Style “write for us”
  • Beauty Blog write for us
  • Health and Beauty write for us
  • Investment Write for us
  • Health + Write For Us + Guest Post
  • Finance Guest Post Write for us
  • Lifestyle Blog write for us
  • Technology “Write for us”
  • write for us Lifestyle Blog
  • Write for us Finance Blog
  • Fashion Blog write for us
  • Tech write for us
  • “write for us Travel Guest Post”
  • Fashion + write for us + Guest Post
  • Health write for us Guest Post
  • Guest Post Opportunities
  • Technology + “Write for us” + Guest Post
  • Technology Business + write for us
  • Finance Blog write for us
  • Tech Blog “Write for us”
  • Information Technology Write for us
  • Health and Fitness write for us
  • Health “Write for us”
  • Technology “Submit Guest Post”
  • Mobile Apps “write for us”
  • Funding Websites Guest Post write for us
  • Web Development write for us
  • Web Design write for us
  • Web Design Blog write for us
  • intitle: write for us mobile
  • Health + “Write for us”
  • Tech Blogs write for us
  • Wellness Blog write for us
  • write for us Wellness
  • Health and Wellness write for us
  • Healthy Lifestyle + ”write for us”
  • Finance write for us
  • Business “Write for us”
  • Travel “write for us”
  • Travel Tips Write for us
  • Travel Blog Write for us
  • Write for us Travel India
  • Adventure Travel Write for us
  • Best Travel Writing Websites
  • Mobile Technology Write for us
  • Tech: write for us
  • Guest Post write for us
  • Technology “Accepting Guest Posts”
  • Fashion Trends Write for us
  • Write for us Health
  • Technology + “Write for us”
  • Fashion Beauty Write for us
  • Write for us Gaming